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How Sex Changes With Aging (& What You Can Do About It)


How Sex Changes With Aging (& What You Can Do About It)


April 22, 2024

(This article is a special guest post by geriatrician Dr. Nicole Didyk, founder of the blog and YouTube channel The Wrinkle. Like me, Dr. Didyk has a particular interest in informing and empowering older adults and families. So I’ve been very glad to have her contributing to the site, and I appreciate her covering some of the important issues that affect older adults. In this article, we will explore how sex changes with aging and what individuals can do to maintain a healthy and satisfying sex life as they grow older.As individuals age, various physical and hormonal changes can impact their sexual health and function. Both men and women may experience a decrease in libido, changes in arousal, and challenges with sexual performance. For men, conditions such as erectile dysfunction become more prevalent with age, while women may face issues such as vaginal dryness and reduced elasticity.Despite these challenges, it is essential for older adults to understand that sexual activity remains an important aspect of overall well-being. Maintaining intimacy and connection with a partner can have numerous physical and emotional benefits, including stress reduction, improved mood, and enhanced self-esteem.There are several strategies that older adults can implement to address changes in their sexual health. Communication with a partner is key, as open and honest discussions about desires, concerns, and preferences can help navigate any challenges that arise. Seeking support from healthcare providers, including geriatricians and sexual health specialists, can also provide valuable guidance and treatment options.Additionally, incorporating healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep can support sexual function and overall vitality. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress, such as meditation or yoga, can also have a positive impact on sexual well-being.It is important for older adults to prioritize self-care and seek help when needed to address any sexual health issues that may arise. By staying informed, proactive, and communicative, individuals can continue to enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying sex life as they age.In conclusion, while sex may change with aging, it is possible for older adults to maintain a healthy and enjoyable intimate life. By understanding the challenges, seeking support, and implementing lifestyle modifications, individuals can navigate the changes that come with aging and continue to experience the many benefits of sexual activity. Embracing these changes with a positive attitude and a proactive approach can lead to a fulfilling and satisfying sex life in later years.

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