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How Sex Changes With Aging (& What You Can Do About It)


How Sex Changes With Aging (& What You Can Do About It)


April 24, 2024

(This article is a special guest post by geriatrician Dr. Nicole Didyk, founder of the blog and YouTube channel The Wrinkle. Like me, Dr. Didyk has a particular interest in informing and empowering older adults and families. So I’ve been very glad to have her contributing to the site, and I appreciate her covering some of the challenges that can come with aging and how to address them. In this article, we will explore how sex and intimacy evolve as we grow older and discuss practical tips for maintaining a fulfilling sex life in later years. We will also address common concerns and misconceptions surrounding sex and aging, providing insights and strategies for overcoming them. Whether you are an older adult yourself or a caregiver for a senior loved one, this article aims to offer valuable information and guidance on navigating the changes in sexual health that accompany aging.)

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